Sunday, July 27, 2008

Veldig Bra!

I'm in Norway, visiting a friend. Slight culture shock, no worries. Poor brain is still swimming around in French with "ouis" and "mercis" here and there.

Just last week I was walking through Aix-en-Provence's antique market and stumbled on a little book. I hesitated. Asked for an opinion: two Frenchmen discouraged me from buying it. But just about to put it down, I flipped through it one more time and found illustrations. I bought a 1951, sci-fi book for 1 euro. Cheesy cover and all. 

"Sur cette montagne, nous sommes seuls sous les ciel crible d'etoiles. L'immensite nous envoie toutes ces lumieres pur nous placer au-dessu de la vie, dans une paix heureuse...
-Peu d'hommes regardent le ciel, Minnie. Beaucoup ne savant meme pas decouvrir les beautes de la terre. Ils ont des yeux et ne voient point. -Il faudrait les arracher a leurs preoccupations mesquines, montrer l'inanite de leurs haines, comment ils gachent miserablement leur existence ephemere.
Cecil eut un sourire indulgent."

I also got another book, for free as a 'cadeau,' after I chased down the panama hat-wearing man who bought it with his euro.
"Go get it!" my roommate urged after I grumbled my complaint. "I double dare you."
My hesitation had taken the best of me when I put the book down. But then so did my stubborness: I ran after the man with the panama hat.

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